Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday December 9, 2009

It snowed last night so Nancy and I had to shovel. The snow was wet and heavy. Wednesday is my easy day so after shovelling I got in the C2 and headed for Bill's on Michigan. Bill's is the preferred dining establishment for all snow plow drivers. Therefore the food must be good. It was.

After breakfast I stopped by the post office and mailed packages to Steve and Debbie. I was surprised but the post office was empty. I then stopped home and got Ms P to help me run some errands. I stopped at Auto Zone to see if they had seat covers for the C2. They did not but they did have a seat cover for the entire back seat. I bought it. The back seat is the preferred seat for Ms P. I also stopped at Gazelle Sport to see if they had any small backpacks. I looked over their selection and decided to keep using the one I have. I did notice some very cleverly designed running shoes that had a waterproof covering.

I wanted to be home by 1300 because the US Weather Service issued a blizzard warning starting at 1300. When I got home I took a 3 mile walk. The winds were brisk but the storm had not yet started. I spent the rest of the afternoon checking my mail and paying some bills. We did talk to Missy and Akerke on Skype this afternoon. Missy's new computer has a built in web cam. Video calls are great.

Nancy's book club was cancelled tonight because of the storm. She prepared a shrimp stir fry dish. It was great. Not much on TV so I headed upstairs at 8:30. It is now 9:20 and I want to read at least 2 chapters of my book. I got my 30 in today, did you?

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