Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday December 20, 2009

Last night Ms P had a very active bladder. I took her out three times and Nancy took her out once. At midnight I nearly fell on the garage stairs because of the snow/rain mix. At 0300 I opened a new bag of salt and spread it over the stairs and drive as Ms P did her bidness.

Nancy and I got up at 0646 and packed and headed to the MAC for our 0800 swim. The pool was jammed. We all had to share a lane. We both swam 1500 yards. Like my running speed my swimming speed has also decreased. I use to swim 1500 yards in 42 minutes. This morning it took me 45'30".

Since we will spent Christmas with Missy it was not necessary to go to Meijers for supplies. I did go to the Kava to get coffee. Ms P went with me. She loves to ride in the Taurus.

After Nancy's world famous poached eggs I read the front section of the paper and then took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I delivered a check from the OHNA to the publisher of our newsletter and then took a hour walk. It was a great time of day for a walk. It was after five and every one had their Christmas lights on. The city is covered with a blanket of new snow. If you did not get the Christmas spirit after this walk you were dead.

This evening Nancy fixed hamburgers and baked beans. We watched 60 minutes and I am now completing this blog. I have to read some material for tomorrow's GRBA meeting. I also am having a computer guy come by tomorrow to fix some security issues with our computers. I got my 30 in did you?

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