Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday December 21, 2009

Happy Solstice. Tomorrow the days start getting longer. Spring cannot be that far away. This morning I slept in until 0716. I have got to quit playing freecell in the evening. Ms P got up three times last night. I don't know how to solve this problem. We might want to put her in the basement for several days and then move her to a cage upstairs. I am sure Missy would not approve.

After my at-home exercises I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. Mondays are a busy day at the MAC for me. I left at 1130 and headed to the Kava House. There was not much in the paper because I read both the DFP and WSJ in an hour. I headed for home and ate a quick lunch and then headed downtown. I had a 2 PM GRBA meeting. We added another project to our list. Every time it looks like we will run out of work, the City Commission adds another project.

I got home a little after 3 and spent some time shoveling the walk. At 4 PM Ken Lotterman our computer guy stopped by and helped Nancy and I with several problems. He added a virus protection program to Nancy's computer and set my firewall. He also checked my facebook page and made sure that it is now secure. I don't want any more exotic photo messages sent to my friends. I also now know how to cut and paste from word to my blog.

Nancy and I watched the local and national news while we ate dinner. I watched part of Chris Matthews and then headed outside to shovel the walk. I finished in time to watch House. At 9 we headed to bed. I will download several more books to my Kindle this evening. I did get my 30 in today.

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