Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday December 27, 2009

You know you are getting old when you leave home without your two front teeth. Nancy and I had just loaded up the Taurus for our trip home when Missy noted the missing teeth. I thought our trip home would be very stressful when it really started to snow on the OH Turnpike. However, it only lasted about 30 minutes and then the sun came out. We did not hit any more snow until we hit Kent County. We had 2 inches of snow when we got home. We emptied the car and then shoveled the drive and walk.

It took awhile to unload the bags. When this task was finally done I took a nap. After the nap I checked my email. I had 159 emails on the Scott Civil Engineering site. Not one of them was important. I did not open 1 of the 159. Nancy fixed a great winter evening meal. We had vegetable beef soup with toasted cheese sandwiches. It was great.

I watched part of 60 minutes and then went out and shovelled the walk again. We had about 1" since 3. It was a beautiful winter evening. I am now watching a Jesse Stone movie on TV and using Nancy's Apple to write this blog. I got my 30 minutes in today did you?

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