Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday December 28, 2009

Back to normal Monday but I should not say that because we have a holiday this week. This morning we had to shovel, so Nancy and I headed outside to clear the walk and drive. We only had about 1/4" to clear and it did not take long. I finished my at home routine and then got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. A lot of members took this week off so I was late getting done because I stopped and talked to the vacationing members.

Being Monday I had to shave both my face and head. I left the MAC late and did not get to the Kava House until 1200. However, the DFP and WSJ had many overlapping articles so I was done reading in less than 1 hour.

After a quick lunch I shoveled the drive and walk again. Then Ms P and I headed out to do some errands. However, my contact started bothering me so I ran 1 errand and returned home to remove the contact. I resumed my errands but Ms P did not want to go.

I stopped by a pet shop and bought Ms P and nice soft bed. I will try to get her to sleep in this bed. I also stopped my Macy's to purchase a no iron white dress shirt. They did not have any.

Last week I took some Kirkland beer bottles along with other bottles to Meijer's for redemption. The Meijer machine would not accept the Kirkland bottles. Today I stopped by Costco to get my bottle deposit. Costco's machine would not accept their bottles. I was steamed so I went to the desk and started to complain. The gal was so nice that I took my money and left a happy man.

My last stop was at Groskopf's to purchase a wallet. They had what I wanted so I used my Christmas gift card to pay for the wallet.

Tonight I plan on going to bed early. I am determined to start getting up earlier. Nancy said what on earth for! your retired. I did get my 30 in today. Keep thinking Spring because today we had 2 minutes more daylight than on the 21th.

After watching House, we downloaded our Christmas photos and Nancy is right now emailing to family. We love our electronic toys.

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