Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday December 23, 2009

Nancy and I slept in today because this is a travel day. We start the day with breakfast at the Brandywine. After breakfast we load up the Taurus, including Ms P, and head for Cleveland. It is a good travel day. The sun is shining and the traffic is not too heavy. Driving the speed limits the Taurus gets 24 mpg. We make 3 quick stops to allow Ms P to do her bidness. We arrive at Melissa's about 3:30. Missy and Akerke are still at work and day care. We make our self at home and Nancy starts dinner.

When Missy and Akerke get home we have a good dinner of sloppy joes. We all watch a little TV and then head for bed. Missy has to work tomorrow but we will take care of Akerke.

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