Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday December 16,2009

Today is Breakfast Club day. I get up at 0536 and check outside to see if I need to shovel or deice. The drive is clear. The attendance at Breakfast Club was near 100%. Only 1 or 2 empty seats. As usual the breakfast food was great. After the meeting I stopped at the Kava House so I could read the DFP. The DFP is running a series on the steps leading up to GM declaring bankruptcy. It is not very good, only a rehash of their past stories.

After the Kava House I headed to the Kent County Health Department and got my H1N1 shot. I was pleasantly surprised. It was well organized and I had my shot within 5 minutes. After the shot I headed to Meijers to get bird seed and a fruit basket. Nancy took the fruit basket to Meijers Garden for the volunteers at the front desk. A very nice gesture.

After a quick lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and headed to the post office and then to a local store to purchase a Christmas gift for Nancy. Our next stop was the office. Eric Rickert wanted my opinion on several items. I gave my opinion. Eric and Ryan are busy. This is great in these tough economic times. I remember in 1982 I had to go off payroll for about a month because we had no work.

When Ms P and I got home I decided I needed some exercise so I walked around Reeds Lake, a distance of 6.6 miles. This evening Nancy and I watched two 1/2 hour sitcoms and wondered why they are still on TV. At 9 we headed to bed to read.

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