Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday December 29, 2009

Today is the day I run to the MAC. I suited up and strapped on the GPS and started running. It was perfect winter day for a run. The sun was shining with little wind. Despite all the good things about today's run my pace did not get any better.
It took some time to complete my workout at the MAC. It seems everyone is taking the week off so they have time to talk. I got a doctor's opinion on the proposed health plan. The cost/benefit of a Brann's sizzler. Several members were forced to take the week off (without pay) because their plant shut down for the holidays.
I did not leave the MAC until 1030. After breakfast and a shower I walked to the Kava House. I had time to read both the DFP and WSJ. I got home about 2 PM. After a quick lunch I retired to my office to catch up on my mail.

I agreed to do a plan check for a set of bridge plans Jennifer Dougherty (Cogent Engineering) is preparing for Midland County. It is good to see that Jennifer has a nice work backlog. In the design business a backlog is always desired.

I also checked Goggle Earth to view Campbeltown, Scotland. This month's National Geographic had an article on Scotland's Western Islands. Campbeltown is on a peninsula that juts out into the North Channel of the Irish Sea. It is near the southern end of the Western Islands. The NG map showed Campbeltown. My Great grandfather McTavish was from Campbeltown. The end of the peninsula Campbeltown is on is only 12 miles from Northern Ireland. Campbeltown is above latitude 55 degrees. GG McTavish spent his entire adult life in Alpena which is at latitude 45 degrees. GG was the second doctor in Alpena and its first Fire Chief.

Tonight Nancy is fixing me beans and rice for dinner. I love beans and rice. We will watch NCIS tonight and then I will attempt to get my desk cleaned.

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