Friday, December 25, 2009

Friday December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone from Lakewood, OH! The wind picked up speed all night. I bet it was blowing 25 mph this morning. I heard Akerke get up around 0700 this morning. Nancy and I soon followed. We all headed downstairs and immediately took pictures of the tree and presents. Missy then let Akerke start to open packages. She was kind of overwhelmed.

We all got great gifts for Christmas but this morning it was Akerke's special morning, her first Christmas. After the presents we had breakfast of scrambled eggs, pigs in a blanket and other goodies.

I started to get cabin fever so I took out the garbage and then went on a 2 mile walk. It was near noon and the wind was dying down slightly. Except for the wind it was a great day for a walk. The temperature was around 38 and the sidewalks were 100% clear of all ice and snow.

After my walk I read the DFP and then decided to take a short nap. Nancy woke me up around 3 and we had our traditional Christmas light snacks. We had meatballs, shrimp, carrots and a crab meat dip that Missy had made. It was very good.

This evening Nancy was getting cabin fever so we bundled up Akerke put her in the stroller and walked her around the block. Ms P went with us. This afternoon we also Skyped Steve, Debbie and the rest of the Scott team in Long Beach. We had a fun time talking to everyone.

We watched the evening news and then Missy took Akerke to bed. She was really wound up but she is now resting quietly.

I hope every one had a great Christmas Day. Good health to everyone.

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