Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday December 8, 2009

I had trouble sleeping last night. So I got up at 0430, packed my bag, put Ms P in the C2 and headed to GR. I got to GR about 1030. I wanted to miss the storm and I did. When I got home I had to run some errands.

My new contacts were in at Dr Anderson's. I don't know if I commented on how great my new contact prescription is. My ability to read street signs has really improved. After the eye doctor I stopped by Berger Chevy and asked if they forgot to put floor mats in the car. They said the little C2 does not come with floor mats but I could purchase a set for $70. I said no thanks.

I stopped by the Chow Hound to purchase some food for Ms P. Also checked at Michigan Truck to see if they had seat covers for the C2. I struck out again. So I headed home and had lunch. After lunch I started going through the accumulated mail. This was very tiring so I took a nap.

I am now caught up on my blogs. Tonight I will watch NCIS and then head to bed. According to Debbie every hour of time difference requires 1 day to recover from jet lag. I have three days to go.

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