Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday December 30, 2009

It was shortly after midnight when Ms P and I went outside so she could do her bidness. We were walking down the hill when a series of pops went off. The pops sounded like gunshots. It unnerved Ms P so much that she immediately came in without doing her bidness.

Wednesday is suppose to be Breakfast Club day but the Women's Civic Club is closed between Christmas and New Years. So my big question today is what am I going to do for breakfast? I finally figured it out, I strapped on my GPS and walked to Bill's on Michigan. I had the weekday special, two eggs, two pancakes and two sausages for $3.75. I took my Kindle so I also read the DFP. In case you are interested it is 2.35 miles to Bills.

I got home around 0930 so I spent the next two hours continuing to clean up my desk. At 1130 I got in the C2 and headed for the MAC. I swam 1,000 yards in 30'14". After the MAC I stopped by Jos A. Banks and purchased two dress shirts. They had a buy one get one free sale going on. The shirts are the no-iron type.

I arrived home shortly after 1400, had a quick lunch, then loaded Ms P in the C2 and headed to the post office to mail some yearend bills. All this activity made me tired so I took a 45 minute nap. It is now 4:55 and I am starting this blog. Nancy is still working at Meijer's Garden.

After dinner I read the GRP and then watched Chris Matthews. I don't know why I watch this show because I totally disagree with his political views. At 8 I turned to the AZ vs NB football game. It is now 9:05 and I will head to bed to contine reading my book. It is a CIA vs the World type book. The author is Vince Flynn. I do not recommend Mr. Flynn as an author. I got my 30 in today did you?

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