Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monday December 7, 2009

Today is Pearl Harbor Day. I was 3 years old when the attack took place. This attack had a profound impact on the USA and my immediate family. Withing a year my dad who was 35 at the time of the attack was told that the US needed civil engineers. He was conscripted to work as a civilian for the army. He worked for about 2 years. In 1943 the city manager of Alpena was drafted and the army released my dad so he could take the city manager job. My dad's two younger brothers were drafted. Gas, sugar and other items were rationed. I remember walking one cold winter evening with my mother and asking what the flag with a star in the window meant. Mother said it meant the family had a son in the military. Nearly every home on our block had a flag. I can remember one evening, when dad was city manager, walking to city hall so dad could pick up some papers. Dad talked to an older gentleman who had a civil defense helmet on. Dad said that he had just completed a 4 hour watch sitting atop the city hall looking for German planes. Every one was involved.

Tobacco was rationed so my mother and her friends who smoked would buy bags of tobacco and filter paper. They would all sit around rolling cigarettes. They had a machine that would roll the cigarette.

Today I am going to Lakewood, OH to pick up Ms P. After a short workout I aimed the C2 to OH. The C2 averaged about 34 mpg on the trip. I did stop at Cabella's. The store was crowded but I did not purchase anything. I think Gander Mountain and Jay's are better stores.

All the girls in OH are doing fine. Akerke was very active and I was pleased how she and Missy have bonded. Ms P is a little jealous, in fact, she growls at Akerke when she feels threatened. We all went out to dinner. Akerke performed well. I had a hamburger and beer. In fact 2 beers. When we got home I feel asleep watching TV and Missy ordered me to bed. It is 290 miles from GR to OH.

Debbie visited Missy this weekend and she left early Monday. I was disappointed that I missed her.

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