Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday December 13, 2009

Ms P got me up 2 times last night. The first time, 2330, the ice was starting to build up on the drive. At 0230 the ice was so thick that even Ms P with 4 wheel drive could not negotiate the drive. The alarm goes off at 0646 and Nancy and I get ready for our swim. The first thing that I had to do was salt the drive. The temperature was now 34 degrees so the salt worked immediately. We got to the MAC with no problem. We both swam for 45 minutes, 1500 yards.

It being Sunday we headed to Meijers for supplies. I took in some bottles for the refund. Much to my surprise the Kirkland beer from Costco would not be accepted by the machine. I will take them back to Costco and tell them they are in violation of MI law. I was steamed. However, it did not last long because Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I took a short nap this afternoon. After the nap I took Nancy's Christmas cards to the mailbox at the EGR city hall. It was a 3 mile walk. Dinner tonight was tomato soup and ham sandwiches. Right now I am typing this blog on Nancy's Apple. We are watching the Mentalist on TV. Just remember in 11 days the days will start getting longer.

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