Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday December 22, 2009

Yes folks I slept in again. Today it was until 0716. It being Tuesday I performed just some brief exercises at home and then strapped on my GPS and ran to the MAC. My running pace was 12'16" per mile. The total distance I ran was 4.8+ miles. It took 59 minutes today. After a quick shower I walked to the Kava House. Because I did not have to watch the parking meter I had time to read both the DFP and WSJ. Every time I read the WSJ I get mad because they usually have a story on the mismanagement of the economy. I also found the article on hackers getting into Citibank very interesting.

After lunch I spent some time enrolling Akerka in the MI Education Fund. I now have all 3 grandkids in the fund. I just hope the fund performs better than it has in the past. I also wrapped Nancy's present.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. The place was jammed and we got the last table. I had the French Dip and Nancy had a chicken sandwich. I have just finished packing for our trip tomorrow to the Cleveland area. The weather should be ok for the drive.

Prior to my marriage to Nancy I had participated in 27 Christmas celebrations. Except for the 3 Christmases I spent overseas in the Navy I spent the remaining 24 in Alpena. I almost spent the Christmas of 1957 in Ann Arbor. I was on the wrestling team and we were going to a meet in PA. We were leaving Ann Arbor on the 27th. I thought it would be too difficult to get to Alpena for Christmas and then back to Ann Arbor in time to leave for the meet. I elected to stay in the East Quad. All the other Quads were closed. The place was empty except for a few foreign students. It was very lonely. I spent one night and decided the next day that I did not want to spend Christmas alone. I got a Greyhound bus to Alpena. I remember walking into the house about 1030. Mother and Dad were playing cards. They were very surprised to see me but was I glad to see them. No one should spend Christmas alone.

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