Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday December 14, 2009

It started out as a gloomy, misty December day and it remained that way all day. After my morning routine at home, I got in the C2 and headed for the MAC. I had to use the windshield wipers during the trip. The upside of all this moisture is that my skin has not dried out like it normally does in the cold months.

After the MAC I drove to Berger Chevy and asked the service guy how to remove the head rest. He pulled and pulled and the head rest would not move. He finally found a small hole in the head rest bracket that you stick a pin in to release the head rest. I can now install seat covers. The first problem solved. I then headed to Mr Thang's shop to get a toggle fixed on my toggle coat. Ms Thang said she could fix the toggle. Second problem solved. I then headed for the Kent County Health Department to sign up for a H1N1 shot. I am scheduled for 1045 on Wednesday. Third problem solved. I am having such a good morning that I take a well deserved break at the Kava House.

This afternoon I spent some time writing Christmas Cards. I did type some of my comments to friends. I then inserted the typed comments in the Christmas card. Is this tacky or should cards be hand written?

I walked over to the mail box at EGR city hall. It is a 3 mile walk. This evening I took Ms P out and it appears that the rain has stopped. The temperature is suppose to go down to the low teens tonight. I want the temperature to stay below 32 until St Patrick's Day. Remember St Patrick's Day is also GG birthday. GG would have been 156 on St Pat's Day, 2010. I got my 30 in today did you?

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