Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday December 18, 2009

This morning both Nancy and Bob slept in. We got up at 0640. Today is the day I run to the MAC. I had no pain running today and my time was for the first time below a 12 minute pace. When I got back home Kim the cleaning lady was already her so I took a quick shower got in the C2 and headed to the Kava House. After the Kava House I headed downtown to Perrigo Printing to pick up my personalized note paper. It was not ready so I headed to Woodland Mall. I purchased Nancy's Christmas gift. I was surprised at how crowded the mall was.

I headed back to Perrigo and picked up my note paper. Parking the C2 is easy.
When I parked downtown I had to really crank the steering wheel. When I got in the car the steering wheel was locked as was the ignition. I could not get the car to start. I called Berger and they said they would send a repair man. As I was waiting I continued to try and free the steering wheel and start the car. Finally I moved the tilt steering wheel up and down and the steering wheel unlocked. I got the car started and called Berger and told them to sent the repair man home.

I spent about an hour doing some Christmas Cards and then walked to the post office to mail them. It was 4:55 at the post office and the line was out the door. I hope everyone in line got served.

This evening Nancy and I attended a neighborhood TGIF. It was well attended. The food was great. Nancy and I talked to our neighbors, the Burns, and they told us about a great barge trip they took in France. It sounded like something Nancy and I might enjoy.

On this day in 1962 I was scheduled to leave Midway Island on the 2 PM log flight. I had spent 1 year 2 weeks, 3 days and 13 hours on this rock and I was ready to leave. It was 75 degrees when we left. I changed planes in Hawaii and headed to San Francisco. From San Francisco I flew to Chicago and then to Alpena. I never left a terminal. I had on my tropical weight Navy uniform. When I got off the plane in Alpena my Mom and Dad greeted me. It was 17 degrees below zero. I spent about three week in Alpena. It was great to be home for Christmas.

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