Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday January 13, 2010

1307: This morning I have breakfast club. The alarm goes off at 0546 and I immediately hit the snooze. When I finally got up I had to hustle to make the 0700 meeting. The meeting was not as well attended as in the summer and fall. A lot of folks are in warmer climates. Today's speaker was introduced by a member who is 90. He is still practicing law and looks great.

Today a 10 day warm-up is suppose to begin. However, it is very windy so the temperature might be 25 but the wind chill is 15. After breakfast club I headed to the MAC to pay my locker fee for the year. When I got home I took Ms P out so she could do her bidness. I finally got the set of bridge plans checked. I called JD and told her my findings.

I have a Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting in 45 minutes. Today we are taking a tour of the old museum which has been turned into an archive center. All City and County records are stored in the building. In order to properly preserve paper records the building must have proper temperature and humidity controls. This is easier said than done.

1715: The GRBA meeting went as planned. We got a tour of the Archives Center. When I got home I put on my shoe chains and went on a 3 mile walk. As I mentioned earlier we are having a January thaw starting today. I hate January thaws because they ruin the winter. Today on my walk Reeds Lake was full of ice fishermen. They cannot fish during the thaw. A home in EGR had flooded their tennis court for an ice rink. I saw 5 kids playing hockey on the rink. The ice will be gone by tomorrow night. I must stop writing because tonight is beer and pizza night.

2100: The beer and pizza were great. I had a medium pizza and Founders IPA beer. The Founders beer was especially good. The conversation was light and no big issues were resolved. I watched a little TV until Nancy got home and now we are heading to bed. I got my 30 in today did you?

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