Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday January 26, 2010

I am writing this on Wednesday. I am using Steve's computer in Long Beach. Tuesday was a travel day for Bob and Nancy. We get up in time to see Debbie off to work. As Nancy gets ready I take the bags down to the car. We stop at Stan's to get a glazed donut and then head for the airport, SFO. The traffic on the 101 was stop and go. It was stop and go because of traffic volumes and not any accidents. Nancy and I agreed that we are too old to commute every day in this traffic. We finally get to the car rental drop off. The drop off went smooth. I really like the way SFO handles car rentals. They are all in one location.

Check in went smooth and we were surprised how fast we made it through security. The workers were fast but very rude. I will take rude if the process is fast. The flight to LAX was only about 40% full. We picked up our bags and headed to Hertz. We rented another rice rocket. The trip to Steve's was uneventful. It rained most of the time. We got to Steve's and got settled in. We were going to pick up Alessandra from day care but it was raining too hard.

Steve got home about five. Nancy and I accompanied him to pick up Alessandra and Lucas. Lucas attends school at the Jewish Center. We were impressed with the facility. Lucas welcomed his grandmother with open arms and a big hug.

Veronica was attending an open house at a potential school for Lucas next year. Steve bought some Italian take out. It was good. He also opened a bottle of wine.

Nancy and I got to play with the grand kids until bed time. It was a pleasant way to spend the evening. Steve also recorded NCIS so I got to watch the show after the grand kids went to beds.

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