Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday January 5, 2010

Today was my first long run of the year. I strapped on the GPS and headed to the MAC. The MAC was not overly busy for being the first Tuesday of the new year. Usually all the folks who have made resolutions show up for the first three weeks. Maybe the weather is discouraging them. The weather is really not that bad for early January. In fact I think we are about right on with the averages. My mileage times are not getting any better. My average speed is still about 12'14" for a mile. Inside I run 10' miles. Does the little bit of snow make that much difference? Or is the inside track at the MAC shorter than what they claim.

After my shower, I walked to the Kava House. At the Kava House I bought the double coffee, 16 oz, instead of the triple, 20 oz, because today is free refill day. I read both the DFP and WSJ. The WSJ had a big article on deep water drilling. I guess Exxon is just beginning to bring up oil from their deep water field in the Gulf of Mexico. It appears that there is much more oil than originally thought in the deep water fields. The deep water oil field and the gas extraction from rock is very encouraging.

I did not get home until 1330. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and started printing some plans that Cogent Engineering had sent. My printer does a great job with 11"x17" prints. Nancy got our trip to CA confirmed this afternoon. We will be spending about 12 days in CA.

This evening Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner. I brought up a bottle of two buck Chuck to go with the meal. This week I have been drinking wine with the evening meal. I just hope tonight that I don't spill a glass like last night.

Tonight I will read the GRP and then watch NCIS. I also hope to continue with my book. Last night I feel asleep and did not get anything read.

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