Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday January 29, 2010

1753 Saturday: I should never be late writing a daily blog. I am trying to remember what we did yesterday.

We got up at our normal time for Long Beach. Today we are spending with Lucas. As soon as Veronica and Steve leave for work I take Alessandra to Jenna’s.

When I got home we load up the rental and head to Cerritos. Cerritos has a great park. We arrive slightly before the opening time of 1000. The park department was late opening the main attraction. When it was finally opened the kids streamed in. Lucas played for over two hours. We had trouble keeping up with him. At a little over noon we headed home.

Nancy was determined that Lucas take an afternoon nap. After he was put down I walked over to Walgreen’s to see if they had some clip-on sunglasses. They not only did not have any clip-ons but they did not have any sunglasses. I came home disappointed and took a short nap. At 1615 Lucas and I walked over the Jenna’s to get Alessandra.

Friday night is scheduled to be date night for Veronica and Steve. Nancy and I would play a movie and fix the kids dinner. Actually Nancy fixed dinner. Lucas and I had corndogs. They really were quite good.

Nancy made popcorn before the movie. I got the movie’s audio to work but could get no sound. Nancy got out a game, snakes, and she and Lucas spent the rest of the night playing this game. We put the kids down abut 2100 and we followed at 2200.

It was another nice warm day in CA. Sunny skies and the temperature reached 70.

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