Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday January 18, 2010

1640: Today is going to be a dark gloomy day with temperatures slightly above freezing. I did my normal at home routine and then decided to walk to the MAC. Because of all the ice on the sidewalks I walked in the street.

After the MAC I walked to the Kava House. The traffic on Breton is too heavy to allow walking in the street, so I walked on the sidewalks. The walks were all ice and I had trouble keeping my balance. I left my ice treads at home. When I reached Wealthy I walked on the bike path. The bike path was ice free. The Kava House has raised the price of their coffee so I only had a pint. I read the DFP and when I tried to open the WSJ it was not available. I figured they did not print because today is a holiday and all banks and markets are closed.

I did not get home until shortly after 1 PM. After lunch I took a short nap. This afternoon I am shining some of Nancy's shoes. I might even shine a pair of my own. I also did some searching on the web. I tried to find any information on my great Uncle McTavish. He was a captain on a Great Lakes ship. I also looked up the Deputy Officer In Charge of Construction/South East Asia. I found some data but will look for more data at a later date.

1920: Tonight was cereal night. After dinner I watched NBC news and then MSNBC. It is now 1936 and I am finishing the blog. At 2000 24 is on for 2 hours. I got my 30 in did you?

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