Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday January 8, 2010

1650: This morning I slept in until 0640. It snowed last night so Nancy and I had to shovel about 3 inches from the drive and walk. Today is my day to run to the MAC. It was really tough sledding. No one had shoveled their walk so I had to run through about 5 inches of snow. I thought my legs would fall off by the time I got to the MAC. The run home was not so bad because a lot of folks had shoveled their walks. When I got home the plows had gone through so I had to again shovel the driveway entrance.

Kim was cleaning today so I ate a quick breakfast and walked to the Kava House. I had plenty of time so I read both the DFP and WSJ. I got all worked up about an article on a proposed wind farm off of Cape Cod. The site is an ideal site but the folks in MA are fighting the project tooth and nail. Little Bobby Kennedy is especially fighting the project. Wind energy is a truly renewable resource and Green Bobby thinks it is ok except in his back yard.

Nancy talked to Kim and she will take Ms P while we are in CA. I had a quick lunch and then took a quick 40 minute nap. Tonight we are going out to dinner with Linda and Tom Moleski, then we are going to the Symphony.

2305: We had dinner at the Bull's Head. I had the rainbow trout and Nancy had prime rib. Both meals were great. After dinner we headed over to DeVos Hall to listen to a preconcert lecture. This is the second lecture I have attended and I think it makes the concert more enjoyable. The concert was good. We got home at 1030, read the GRP and headed to bed. I will post this blog tomorrow.

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