Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday January 28,2010

1900: Happy Birthday Melissa! Today is Missy’s birthday. I remember the day well it was very cold in Ann Arbor and we could not get the defroster or windshield wipers to work on our VW Beetle. Nancy got to the hospital with 10 minutes to spare.

Today was a complicated day for old fogies. First we got Alessandra ready and put her in the car seat. Then Nancy and Lucas got in the rental and we headed to the bus stop. Nancy and Lucas are riding the bus to Lucas’s school, the Jewish Community Center, on Willow. We dropped Nancy and Lucas off and I headed to a drive through Starbucks that Steve told me about. I got a large coffee for me and a medium decaf for Nancy. I also got two blueberry scones. Alessandra and I made it to the school before Nancy and Lucas arrived. We waited about ten minutes before I saw then get off at the bus stop. After Nancy got Lucas checked in we went to a Target store on Lakewood Blvd. I wanted to buy some clip-on sunglasses. No one had any. I am having some problems with my shingles eye, left. It has become very light sensitive and if I read too long it becomes dry and irritated. At times it almost seems like the shingles have returned. I will see a DR when we get back to GR.

We walked Alessandra around the mall and then returned home. At about 1130 I walked Alessandra over the Jenna’s. Alessandra will spend the afternoon with Jenna.

Nancy and I drove back to the JCC to pick up Lucas. At 1255 we picked him up so he could help Nancy make some cookies. They spent about an hour making the cookies. Lucas spent the rest of the afternoon playing. At 1630 Lucas and I walked over to Jenna’s to pick up Alessandra. We walked home and ended up racing to see who was the fastest. Grandpa and Alessandra or Lucas. Lucas won.

Veronica has to work tonight so when Steve got home he ordered a pizza for us adults and then fixed Lucas his dinner. I am surprised at how good Steve is taking care of the kids. I would never do any of the things that he does. He deserves a gold star.

Steve just gave Lucas a bath and Nancy got Alessandra ready for bed. While they were working I wrote this blog.

I will repeat one more time raising kids is a young person’s game. Today was a typical southern CA day. Clear blue sky with temperatures in the high 60’s. It was great.

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