Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday January 20, 2010

1450: Wednesday is my easy day. This morning I decided to go to the MAC and then have breakfast at the Omelette Shop. It was a bright sunny morning but it was cold. The posted temperature on a church sign was 21. I was surprised at how busy the MAC was this morning. All I did was run 1.5 miles and some dead lifts. The only weight exercise I do is the dead lift. I read in several magazines that if you have to do only one weight exercise it should be the dead lift. I am now lifting 110 pounds. I do three sets of five, twice a week. After my shower I was sitting in the lobby getting ready for my walk to the Omelette Shop when who should appear but my child bride, Nancy. I took her to breakfast. We both had the oatmeal.

When I got home I started packing. It is hard to pack for this trip because the weather in CA indicates that some rain gear will be required. Also us old folks have to take our pills and creams when we travel. I did get everything in my Nike duffel. I still have to call the taxi for a 0615 pickup. Nancy has to work this afternoon at Meijer's Garden. We are going out to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner.

2100: We were surprised that Great Lakes was very crowded tonight. Nancy and I both had a sandwich. After dinner we watched a little TV and then at 2100 headed for bed. The alarms are set of 0525. Kim will pick up Ms P at 0900. Hasta La Vista

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