Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday January 10, 2010

2100: We are getting into our normal Sunday routine. We get up at 0646 and then head to the MAC for our swim. Today for the first time ever Nancy did not get the outside lane she prefers. However, we did complete our 1500 yards. After the swim, as usual, we headed to Meijers for supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read a section of the paper and then took a short nap.

It was another nice sunny day so we decided to drive over to Lake Michigan. Our first stop was Holland State Park. They had plowed the parking lot so we were able to see the big lake. It had huge white caps and the waves were breaking over the pier. The lake was not yet frozen. We left Holland and headed north on Lakeshore Drive and ended up at Grand Haven. We drove by Grand Haven State Park but the entrance was not plowed out. The shoreline looks very serene in winter. The lake shore has a lot more snow that GR. As soon as we got home I went on a 30 minute walk. So I did get my 30 in today.

This evening we had homemade vegetable soup. Nancy made the soup from scratch this morning. It was an ideal meal for a cold winter evening. We watched 60 minutes and part of the football game. We headed to bed early tonight so we can catch up on our reading. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the skin doctor. Nancy will check me over so I can highlight some problem areas with the doctor.

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