Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday January 23, 2010

1725: Saturday in Santa Clara, CA. This is the day Debbie wants to sleep in. I get up around 0700 and then head to Starbucks. I read the SFC and then get a refill and small decaf for Nancy. Debbie took us out to breakfast. We all had eggs, hash browns and toast. Debbie got sausage, Nancy got a pancake and I got the hash. Debbie picked up the tab. It is great when your kids pay.

Debbie wants to take Nancy to a furniture store to get her opinion on some chairs and sofas she is thinking about buying. No furniture was purchased but Debbie did get Nancy’s input. I provided no input.

After the furniture store we head to Costco. The place was jammed. A MI Costco is never as busy as the CA stores. In CA you have to circle around the parking lot several times to get a space to park. I think the MI samples are better than CA. Nancy purchased a shirt and Debbie made several purchases. After Costco we came home and I took a nap.

After my nap I take a walk. I walked abut 1h20m. When I got home Debbie and Nancy were deciding where to eat dinner. We are eating Italian.

2015: We had dinner at Mama Mia’s. We all had the spaghetti. I had a German beer, hofbrau Munchen. The place was crowded. The SFC today said CA’s unemployment rate is 12% but you would not know it at the restaurants we frequent. We are going to watch some TV and then heading to bed. I have a new Elvis Cole book that I just started reading. So far it is pretty interesting.

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