Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday January 11, 2010

2035: Monday morning and our timer on the coffee pot did not work. I had to push start to get thing moving. Nancy had a gift shop board meeting this morning so she was not going to the MAC. I had a 1040 skin doctor appointment so I would not go to the MAC until after the doctor. In this relaxed mood all we had to do was shovel. We received about one inch of new snow overnight.

After completing my at home routine, I showered and headed for the Kava House. In order to get to the appointment on time I set the alarm on my cell. I got to my appointment 10 minutes early and had trouble finding a seat. I hope one of the grandkids becomes a skin doctor. They coin money. At exactly 1040 I was called into the office. I had some sun damage on my head so the doctor sprayed some liquid nitrogen on the damaged areas. She also found a suspect spot on my back and took a sample for testing. I really like my doctor. Unlike her boss she will answer my questions and does not rush me.

My next stop was the MAC. I completed my Monday routine in record time. Today I was at the MAC at noon. Usually I am out of the MAC by 1030 and the place is empty. At noon the tennis courts and racket ball courts were all filled.

I noticed that a lot of outdoor runners are buying snow treads that they place on the bottom of their running shoes. The treads are suppose to be great for running on snow packed walks. I went to Gazelle Sports and bought a set. They claim the treads are one of their biggest sales items.

When I got home I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to check some plans. I also checked my email. I had 56 emails on my Scott Civil account and not one of them was important. I had two emails on my at home account. At 1700 I strapped on the treads and went on a three mile walk. They worked great walking on EGR's snow covered sidewalks.

During dinner Nancy and I watched the local and national news. At 1900 we watched Chris Matthews. I am already sick of all the talk about Harry Reid and his comments on the President being light skinned. Forget it, it is not important. Reid's comments were not racist.

It is now almost 2100 and I am going to continue reading my book. The book is poorly written. I am determined to finish the book even if I don't like it. Why can't I just stop?

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