Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday January 15, 2010

1747: Nancy and I called Debbie today to wish her a happy birthday. We are looking forward to spending time with her next week.

This morning is my day to run to the MAC. I was a little worried about the roads and walks being icy. I did not encounter any ice. All week I have been surprised that I was ahead of schedule when compared to previous weeks. Then it hit me the reason was that I did not have to shovel all week. The minimum time to shovel is about 20 minutes.

When I got home from the run I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Nancy and I have decided that Ms P is getting too fat. So we are making an effort to have her walk more. We know her joints might hurt but in people years she is still younger than Nancy and Bob.

I showered and walked to the Kava House. I had time to read both the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then we called Debbie. I was heading out to the car when Nancy called and told me our power was out. I also got a call from Bob Calloway, next door, that his power was also out. I called the power company. The power was out about an hour.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in Alto reviewing a set of bridge plans with Jennifer Dougherty. Jennifer has a nice office in downtown Alto. She spent some time explaining the new bridge code with me. After hearing Jennifer explain all the hoops you have to jump through to design a bridge, I think I retired at the right time.

This evening we are attending an OHNA TGIF. In the winter these gatherings are usually well attended. Nancy has prepared a great cheese dip to take. We also are taking a bottle of wine. Yes I have started drinking wine.

2230: The party was great and all the neighbors seemed happy to get out of the house. Nancy was talking to some new neighbors and recognized their name. They were the Rowes and they used to live in EGR. Our daughter Debbie, the birthday girl, used to babysit for them. Maggie Rowe said Debbie was the best baby sitter ever.

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