Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday January 4, 2010

Today is the first Monday of the year. We had a light snow fall last night so I had to start the day shoveling. It was cold this morning and the temperature never got above 25 all day. I drove the C2 to the MAC today and after the MAC I drove to the Kava House. I read the DFP and found out that the Feds are about to charge several Detroit politicians with bribery and abuse of power. Most of the charges involve Detroit's two pension funds.

After the Kava House I came home and had a quick lunch. I checked my email and then decided to do some clean up chores. I loaded a set of old dishes for delivery to the Salvation Army. We cleaned the basement of all cardboard boxes. I took Ms P and we drove first to the Salvation Army and then to the recycling center in Kentwood. Our next stop of Horrick's to buy some critter feed for the squirrels. They were out. I also stopped by Rylee's Hardware and got a new filter for our small humidifier. The cold weather has made the house very dry. Sparks fly when we walk. They had a filter and I got the humidifier working full blast right now.

Since I must practice what I preach I took a 1.5 mile walk. It took 30 minutes. I am now up in my office writing this blog. It is 5:42. I just tried to order a leather vest from Orvis using a gift card from Nancy. I was very disappointed that they did not have any and none were on back order.

After dinner and the news I read the GRP and then watched Kudlow on CNBC. I decided to go to bed early so I went upstairs about 8:15. I hope to finish the book I am reading tonight. Must get a good night's sleep because it is suppose to snow tonight and I will have to shovel in the morning.

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