Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday January 22, 2010

I got up at o6oo and Debbie was already getting ready for work. It was still raining when Debbie headed to work. I went back to bed and got up about 0715. It appeared that the rain had stopped. I walked over to Starbucks. Did you know that a Starbucks coffee in Santa Clara is cheaper than GR?

Starbucks was crowded. I downloaded the SF Chronicle to the Kindle. The paper was filled with stories about the storm. I learned that Meg, the eBay lady, is the front runner for the GOP nomination for GOV. Did you know that Jerry Brown is the acting Gov of CA?

After reading the paper I purchased a refill for me and a decaf for Nancy. When I got back to Debbie’s Nancy was ready for a Stan’s glazed donut. We headed to Stan’s. After our donut we headed to the mall. It was about 1000 and Nancy wanted about an hour to shop. I walked around and found an Eddie Bauer’s. I purchased a wool shirt jacket that was 60% off. At 1100 I called Debbie and told her we wanted to meet for lunch. She gave us direction and lunch was scheduled for 1200.

On our way to Debbie’s office we stopped at DSW shoes. Nancy looked around but purchased nothing. We picked up Debbie and headed to Panera Bread for lunch. Nancy had a bowl of soup, I had a bread bowl and Debbie had a sandwich. The place was crowded but service was fast.

After we dropped Debbie off Nancy and I headed to Santana Row. We walked around and visited several stores. Nothing was purchased. I told Nancy that I was ready for a nap and we headed back to Debbie’s.

It is now 1715 and we are waiting for Debbie to get home from work. Tonight we are going out to dinner. I forgot to mention that around 1000 the sun came out. It looks like the worst of the weather is over.

Debbie got home about 6 and we all decided to go to the Red Robin for dinner. The place was crowded but we did not have to wait. I had a burger and Debbie and Nancy had a turkey burger. Tonight we are going to watch TV and then turn in. We will start making plans for tomorrow.

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