Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday January 16, 2010

1722: I set the alarm for 0626 so Nancy can make her early class at the MAC. I hit the snooze two times and then got up. I decided to walk downtown to attend the RV/Trailer show. I got to the Amway Hotel at 0900. I purchased an apple fritter and coffee. The Amway's fritters are the best. I read the DFP on my Kindle. At 1000 I headed over to the RV show. The show did not appear as heavily attended as last year. They had several mega RVs costing more than $200,000. The only thing that I liked were the Airstream Travel Trailers. I think they are well made. Since I don't have a vehicle that could tow a trailer I came home.

Walking today was very treacherous. The freeze/thaw of the last couple of days had made the walks all ice. I walked in the street. When I got home Nancy and Ms P were playing outside. Nancy had also taken Ms P for a walk around the block. I read the GRP and then took a short nap.

2140: Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Russ's. I had pea soup and a burger and Nancy had the chicken rice soup and a salad. We got home in time for the evening news. This evening I switched between a movie and the Colts/Ravens ball game. I promise I will finish my book tonight.

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