Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday January 31, 2010

2049: Sunday in LB. It looks like another nice day. After I perform my morning routine, brush teeth, etc, I head for Starbucks. I get my coffee and start reading the LAT. Steve stops by and gets a cup and we talk. Steve has to stop at the dry cleaners but I talk him into taking his mother a cup of coffee. I walk home.

Alessandra is up but appears to be getting tired. Grandpa said he would take her for a walk. Walking is one of the things that I enjoy. Alessandra and I walk for about 1h10’. She falls asleep about 2 minutes into the walk and sleeps the rest of the walk.

When we get home the Redwings game is on TV. I watch the last period and the OT. The Redwings lost.

Steve, Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra head for a park. Nancy and I head for Huntington Beach. We spend over a hour walking on the pedestrian walk along the beach. We also walk the HB Pier. It is such a beautiful day that the walk is crowded with bikers, runners, walkers and folks on roller blades. We stop by a Dairy Queen on our way home and get a cone.

After all the walking I need a short nap. After the nap it is almost time for dinner. I watch part of the AFL/NFL game. The game is phony and should be eliminated. For dinner tonight I had several tamales. Veronica got the tamales at Costco. We will have to see if they have them in GR.

Nancy and Lucas play the snake game and then it is time for bed. We have spent eleven days in CA and it has been a nice break. Tomorrow morning we have to pack and then head for LAX. I do not look forward to the long plane ride.

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