Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday February 21, 2010

1540: Nancy gets up minutes before the alarm is suppose to go off. Ms P and I head outside so she could do her bidness, she did. Before going to the MAC I brought my basket of clean clothes up to be put away. Yes I empty my own basket. I am nearly house broken.

The swimming pool at the MAC was crowded. Nancy and I both had to share a lane. I did my 1,500 yards in 44'30" a good time for me. We then headed for Meijer's for our week's supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We have to use our dining room table for the OHNA TGIF so we put in a new leaf.

In keeping with my weekly schedule I took a short nap this afternoon. After the nap I took Ms P around the block. I then went on a 2 mile walk so I could get my 30' in. Right now I am listening to Tennessee Ernie Ford sing hymns. My grandfather Scott said he was the world's best singer. This evening we are going over to the Moleski's for dinner. I will report on the evening later.

2218: We had a fine kielbasa dinner along with all the trimmings. The Moleskis are good hosts. Nothing like a 3000 calorie dinner. The blizzard has not arrived yet. In fact it was 38 degrees on our way home. Maybe the snow will pass us by.

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