Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday February 6, 2010

Sunday 1715: We got home from Cleveland about 1 hour ago. I am 24 hours late with Saturday's blog. At 0545 Saturday our alarm goes off and we all get up and get ready for our big trip to Lakewood. We actually don't leave until 0700. Our first stop is Duncan Donuts. We get donuts and coffee.

The trip through Michigan is smooth. But when we hit the Ohio Turnpike near Toledo we note a lot of snow. It looked like the snow had just stopped. The plows were all out in force and in some areas only 2 of 3 lanes were plowed. Truck traffic was very heavy and we assumed that a lot of truckers had stopped to let the snow subside and then continue their trip. We noted three semi trucks and trailers in the ditch. All trucks were travelling West. We stopped at a Toll Road Plaza and the snow was about eight inches deep. The plows had not yet had a chance to plow the plazas. We were lucky we had AWD.

We got to Missy's about around 1300. The first thing I had to do was shovel her drive and walk. Akerke's birthday party starts at 1600. Missy had the place all cleaned up.

Nancy and I drove to a grocery store to purchase some cheese. Later, Missy had to get the cake at Costco's so I drove her. Despite the weather Costco's was crowded.

The first quests started arriving at 1600. Akerke was dressed in a very pretty dress. Nancy called it a Princess Dress. Akerke was a perfect host. She shared with everyone. The Scott Team from CA sent a fruit tree and we all had some fruit. It was an interesting mix of folks at the party. Missy had invited neighbors and several friends who had adopted children from other countries. It was a United Nations . There were children from Vietnam, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan and of course Kazakhstan. The two O'Brien boy's father was born and raised in Ireland. The O'Brien's are neighbors of Missy.

Chips, candy, fruit drinks and sandwiches were provided. There was also beer and wine for the adults. Missy put a candle on Akerke's cake and we all sang "Happy Birthday". The cake was great especially the frosting. It was a successful birthday.

After the party Grandpa fell asleep on the floor and while I was sleeping Debbie skyped Akerke. Birthdays are rough on senior citizens.

Later I drove Missy to a store so she could return a carpet cleaner she had rented. Bob and Nancy headed to bed early.

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