Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday February 12, 2010

1700: At 0400 I took Ms P out to do her bidness. Having spent the last 24 hours in bed I was wide awake, so I made the morning coffee and filled Ms P's food and water bowls.

Nancy was up at 0600 and was surprised to find that I had made the coffee. She is back to normal and attended all her usual Friday classes at the MAC. I got up and had a piece of bread for breakfast. I had planned on walking over to the Kava House but after walking upstairs several times I decided to forego any exercise today. I got in the C2 and headed to Berger Chevy to make an appointment for tomorrow to get my car serviced and new mud flaps put on. Mud flaps on a Cobalt? It just shows I am not that far out of the cedar swamps.

I drive to the coffee shop on Michigan and College and have a small coffee and bagel. They have the best bagels in GR. When I got home Nancy was ready to go to Costco so I accompanied her. The first time I did not try a free sample at Costco.

I called Carol Smith at LSE and told her to shut down my SCECO email. I usually get about 50 emails every day but it is all spam. I am surprised that my new email gets very little spam. It might be because I never order anything on line. It is nice to see that LSE has been busy.

I also talked to Jennifer Dougherty. She wanted my opinion on using part-width construction on the proposed bridge in Ada over the Grand River. I told her "bite the bullet and close the bridge". This is the best course of action for everyone. It is also nice to see that Cogent Engineering is busy. Jennifer also is getting ready to make an announcement. I am happy for her.

Tonight Nancy and I are staying home. I am having a bowl of soup. We will watch the opening for the Winter Games.

2134: Nancy fixed me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The perfect cure for the winter flu. We are watching the opening ceremonies for the winter games. I like some of the shots of Canada. It is a beautiful country.

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