Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday February 26, 2010

1709: Although I was tired I completed my morning routine by 1000. At the Kava House I read only the DFP. Today's DFP had several articles on the new mayor Dave Bing and how he is playing hardball with the unions. He is making some tough decisions.

It started to snow while I was at the Kava House but does not appear to be sticking. When I got home from the Kava House I started doing my chores. I swept the kitchen, picked up Ms P's toys and cleaned up our bedroom. The house looks all set for tonight's party.

I spent a good portion of the afternoon completing the family tree using all the data I have. I also sorted the numerous material we have collected over the years. Right now I am going to suspend writing this blog and complete my chores, including shoveling the drive and walk.

2214: It took a good 45 minutes to shovel the drive and walk. The drive was still slippery despite being just shoveled. I got out the salt bag and heavily salted the drive. It seemed to work.

The first guests arrived at 0635. We were worried because of the weather that no one would show. But slowly folks started arriving. We were only going to allow Ms P to stay up until she became a nuisance. She was the star of the party. We left her up for the entire party. Nancy made a quick count and determined that we had over 40 people. The food was great. We had everything from deviled eggs, chocolate covered oatmeal cookies, shrimp and all kinds of chips and dip. Only two people drank beer. The drink of choice was wine. The party ended about 2145. Nancy and Bob think the party was a great success.

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