Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday February 9, 2010

1555: Nancy spent a bad night. She has come down with stomach flu. I woke up at 0630 and asked Nancy if she wanted a coffee. She said no. All she wanted to do is sleep.

It snowed last night so I had to shovel the drive before going to the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House for my coffee and newspaper. Today I read the DFP and part of the WSJ. I got home a little after 1200 and had a quick lunch.

Today I had a 1310 eye doctor appointment The doctor said that my left eye has several small ulcers. I was given two different eye drops that I am taking 4 times a day. I have to go back in a week. When I got home Nancy was up. I told her to go back to bed but she said Ms P would not let her sleep. I took Ms P on several errands. It is now 1600 and Nancy has been sleeping for 90 minutes.

Ms P and I are going out to shovel the drive and walk. i don't think the storm is going to be as bad as most forecasters predicted. I am writing this blog early because I have to get to bed early, I have to get up at 0500 so I can shovel and get to breakfast club at 0700. I also have a GRBA meeting at 1400 and tomorrow night Tom M and I are going out for beer and pizza. It is book club night.

This evening I will watch NCIS before going to bed. Last night instead of watching 24 I read my book. 24 is getting very old.

As it continues to snow outside I recollect that one the worst February snows I remember was in 1979. Our entire family went to the Shrine Circus with the Gray's in a blizzard. The next morning everything was shut down. I closed the office. It was the only time I ever closed the office.

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