Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday February 10, 2010

1716: The alarm goes off at 0515. I get up and start getting dressed. It snowed last night and when I took Ms P out at 0200 the snow depth was 3". I have a 0700 Breakfast Club meeting. When I got shovel in hand I noted that the snow depth was about 6". It took a hour to get the snow cleared from the drive. The radio said that over 200 schools in the area were closed. They read the list. Why didn't they just read the 1 or 2 schools that were open? Even EGR was closed.

I thought they would have a small crowd at Breakfast Club. They had about 75% turn out. Today's speaker talked about health care costs. It was the very best explanation about health care costs that I have heard. The one thing I took away from the meeting was that doing nothing was not an acceptable option.

After the meeting I stopped at the Kava House and read the DFP. I did not read the WSJ because I still had to shovel the walk. I got home and the walk was clean. Our neighbor used his snow blower and cleaned all the walks in the block. The neighbor is a doctor and lives in the Hess/Stevens old house. Speaking of Stevens today Jack Lensink called and told us that Bev Stevens had passed away. She was 62.

At noon I headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. I did the swim in 29'34" which is a good time for me. I then headed for the GR City Hall. I had a 1400 GRBA meeting. It was a short meeting.

I did clean up the driveway after the plows went through. I was tired from my early morning so I took a short nap. In fact Nancy woke me at 1700. Nancy is feeling better and will be going to "Book Club" tonight. I am heading out to Fred's for pizza and beer.

Beer and pizza were great at Fred's. Tom M told me about their trip to New Zeeland and Australia. Nancy got home around 2000. I did get my 30 in today.

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