Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday February 14, 2010

1835: Happy Valentine's Day! You know you're getting old when you and your spouse exchange practical gifts. Nancy got a massage and I got a gift certificate to the Kava House. I can remember exchanging Valentines in grade school. You bought a valentine for every member in your class. I think each valentine cost about $0.02 and you bought them at the dime store. I can remember Valentine's Day, 1964. There were 5 young single LTJGs in my outfit in Vietnam. We each got only one valentine and that was from Mom. Keep up the good work Moms everywhere.

This morning Nancy and I got up at 0656 and got ready for our swim at the MAC. Since we are recovering from our episode with the flu we only swam 1,000 yards. We also got our weekly supplies at Meijers. Nancy did fix her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also took my afternoon nap. For the first time in 3 days I got my 30 in. I walked 30 minutes around the neighborhood.

Nancy talked to all the kids today. It makes her day when she has contact with her children. I downloaded photos from our recent trips to CA and OH. We started playing with Apple's photo software. It is amazing what you can do with this program. We will have to invest some time in learning how to fully use the program.

We continue to watch the Olympics. This afternoon we watched USA women play hockey. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches. I want to finish this blog before 60 minutes. Remember only 35 days to spring.

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