Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday February 8, 2010

1750: Another Monday and we all slept in today. Nancy could sleep in because she is not going to the MAC. Nancy has a 0900 Gift Shop Board Meeting. I follow my normal Monday routine except that I had to perform several household errands before going to the MAC. A household errand means I filled the bird feeder, emptied my clothes basket and emptied Ms P's poop bag into the garbage. After the MAC I purchased some light bulbs and stopped at Verizon to get a battery for my cell. Verizon did not have any but recommended Batteries Plus.

I got a call from the eye doctor's office telling me that the clip-on sunglasses for my regular glasses were in. I hustled downtown and got the clip-ons. I really needed these glasses because my left eye is very sensitive to bright lights. In fact I called the eye doctor, MD type, and got an appointment for tomorrow.

After a quick lunch I headed up stairs. I was going to do some work on our year-end statement. However, Nancy brought Ms P upstairs because workers were downstairs Scotch Guarding our chairs in the back room. Ms P did not want to stay in the office. I called Batteries Plus and asked if they had a cell battery. They did, so I loaded Ms P into the C2 and headed to the store. We did make a quick stop at the car wash. When I got home I decided to take a three mile walk.

I have moved the kitchen TV into the front room because we cannot use the chairs in the back room for 24 hours. Ms P is very confused.

Tonight I will watch 24 at nine. I might have to shovel snow tomorrow morning. We have a big snow heading our way.

2000: Nancy was feeling a little under the weather so we came up at 2000. I will finish this blog and then head for bed. I think I will read instead of watching 24. I did get my 30 in today.

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