Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday February 4, 2010

1600: Another day that I slept in until after 0700. I cannot blame this on jet lag but I must blame it on my playing computer games until 2300 last night. Speaking of last night, Ms P continues to struggle. Nancy had to carry her upstairs and not once during the night did she want to go outside to do her bidness. I think the reason is not improved bladder control but the fact that it hurts too much to move. We hope the Vet will determine the problem at our 1700 appointment today.

I had a busy morning so I made an effort to get my exercises does in an orderly fashion. In other words no talking with the other old guys at the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Teacher's CU to get some money for our household account. I also got Nancy a roll of quarters. I then deposited the money in our 53rd joint account. This is the account for household expenses.

Last night Nancy and I paid a lot of bills. I mailed several letters on my way to the MAC but we had about six letters that needed stamps. I stopped at the post office and got 60 stamps. Since the Kava House was nearby I walked over and had my coffee. I also read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP is having fun picking on Toyota.

I took Ms P out when I got home. She did her bidness but could not get up the stairs into the house. I carried her inside. During my lunch she started shaking so I took her upstairs with me. She is now sleeping on a blanket in my office. Nancy is working at the hospital this afternoon and as soon as she gets home we are heading to the Vet.

2045: The Vet was very nice and thought that Ms P probably put too much pressure on her joints during all her activity last week. Her body has crashed and the Vet gave Ms P an anti inflammatory prescription. I hope the Vet is right. After the Vet visit, Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner.

Tomorrow the rug cleaners are coming to clean the carpet in the back room. Nancy and I moved most of the furniture out of the room. I was just proofing this blog when my Sister called from Tucson. She is buying Nancy some jewelry at the annual show in Tucson.

I tried to delete some games from my computer but could not determine how to do it. I did hide the games so it will take a while for me to find them.

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