Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday February 13, 2010

1545: The alarm goes off at 0505, I wanted it to go off at 0636. I reset the alarm and blame my error on my weakened condition caused by the flu. It couldn't be old age. When the alarm goes off at the correct time Nancy and I are getting ready for our Saturday. Nancy is heading to the MAC for her body pump class and I get ready to take the C2 in. I stop at the bagel shop and get two bagels. It takes about 45 minutes to get my car work done. I had enough time to read the DFP and WSJ.

My next stop was the battery shop. I had them check my new cell phone battery. They said it was defective and ordered a new one. I headed home and picked up Ms P. We headed for the Outpost in Holland. The Outpost is one of my favorite outdoor stores, but I was disappointed that they no longer sell kayaks. They are big in stand-up paddle boards. They did not have any car top carriers for my C2. I will continue to search the internet for a roof top rack.

On my way home I used my OnStar phone to call Missy and Debbie. Missy was at a library with Akerke and Debbie was home getting ready for work. It is always great to talk to the girls on Saturday morning.

I had a quick lunch and then cleaned up my desk. I have collected most of our 09 tax data and right now I am working on our end of year statement.

Nancy and I are still not full speed so we decided to stay home and have some more of her magic potion, chicken noodle soup. We will also watch the Olympics.

Immediately after dinner I came back upstairs and finished our financial statement for 2009. 09 was much better than 08.

2207: We are now upstairs after watching the Olympics in HD downstairs. The HD pictures of Vancouver are great. Veronica, Steve and Lucas visited the city in 08 and really enjoyed their stay. They gave me Whistler T shirt. I did enjoy watching the biathlon this afternoon. People who can hit a target after skiing at top speed are very talented.

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