Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday February 17, 2010

1640: I am getting predictable, I woke up a6 0700. Today is my easy day so I got dressed and walked to the Omelet Shop in Breton Village. I had a bowl of oatmeal. After breakfast I walked to the Kava House and read the DFP and WSJ. I walked home. The sidewalks were surprisingly clear this morning.

At 1200 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. It took 30'14". My current project is the family tree and sorting all the photos and family memorabilia. With this in mind I headed to Office Depot to get some plastic containers to hold all the photos. I tried scanning several photos last night and the results were quite good. I want to thank Missy for telling me that I should save the photos in jpeg format.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block. This is the first time we have been able to accomplish this in about a month. I got to the office with good intentions. However, I have found the games I thought I had hidden and wasted an hour playing these stupid games. Help! does anyone know how to delete games from my computer. I am using microsoft Vista.

2100: Nancy fixed a great salad for dinner. We also had melon and bread. When I was a boy fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter was unheard of. After dinner we watched the Olympics. One month from today is the birthday of Great Grandfather Sanborn. Two months from today is the birthday of Alessandra and also her Great Grandfather Scott.

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