Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday February 7, 2010

1750: We get up at 0700 and slowly get ready for our trip to Troy. We say our goodbyes and head west. Our first stop is a Toll Plaza. Unlike yesterday this Plaza has been plowed out. We get coffee and donuts for our trip. The trip on the Toll Road was fairly easy. We did hit some spots where drifting snow made it necessary to slow down. When we got on I 75 going north the roads were clear. In fact in MI there was little snow and the pavement was dry. The storm bypassed MI. The show Nancy was attending was held at the Met Hotel in Troy. It is just off I 75 at Crooks Road. Nancy spent about two hours at the show and she said she made a lot of purchases.

The drive home from Troy was smooth. When we got to GR I pulled into a car wash to get all the salt off the car. In fact our black car looked white. We got home unpacked and then started putting the furniture back in the back room. We also threw out a lot of magazines and catalogs that we no longer needed. Our backroom looks very neat and clean.

I will watch the Super Bowl and then head to bed. Next week will be the first time in a long time that we have no travel plans. In fact we will stay home for at least two months. It is now six and we still have daylight.

2130: For dinner tonight Nancy fixed squash soup, hot dogs and a veggie burger. For the first time this year I watched a complete, almost complete I came up after the interception, football game. I kind of wanted the Colts to win. But I would also like to see the Lions in the Super Bowl.

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