Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday February 3, 2010

1550: We must still be fighting jet lag because Nancy and Bob slept in until 0710. Nancy had to hustle to get ready for the MAC. We had a light snow last night so I cleared the drive and walks. After my shoveling I walked to Bill's on Michigan. The footing was kind of difficult because the roads I walk on have not been plowed. At Bill's I read the DFP. This morning's paper was loaded with stories about all the Detroit officials that have confessed to crimes during the past administration. Most of the crimes were bribery. I hope the new administration operates according to the rules. The City of Detroit needs a break.

I got home at 1130 and had to hurry to get to the MAC for the noon hour swim. I swam 1000 yards . After the MAC I stopped by Berger Chevy to change the date for my first checkup on the C2. I also asked about a roof rack. No luck, Chevy does not make one for a Cobalt. My next stop was an Outdoor store and they had a portable roof rack. I did not buy it because I still have some time before the ice leaves the streams.

Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. She is also going grocery shopping to refill our fridge.
Today Ms P seems very lethargic. I don't think she likes all the changes in her routine. Nancy and I will take her to Lakewood, OH on Saturday. I hope she travels well.

2100: Nancy got home at 1730. For dinner she fixed Butternut Squash soup from Trader Joe's. It was great. I also had a turkey sandwich. I read the paper and watched the news and then headed upstairs. I paid some bills and completely cleared my "IN" basket. It feels good. Did you know that we now have 60 more minutes of daylight since the winter solstice. Also the median temperatures for GR are now increasing. Spring is not that far away.

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