Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday February 27, 2010

1637: The alarm goes off at 0636. I check outside and it snowed, again, last night. I get dressed and start shoveling so Nancy can make her 0700 class at the MAC. It takes about 35 minutes to get the drive and walks clear. I then strapped on my backpack and headed to Bill's on Michigan. It takes 45 minutes to walk to Bill's. I have my usual Saturday morning breakfast, pancakes and eggs, and read the DFP.

I got home at 1000. Nancy and I loaded Ms P in the Taurus and head for the River Crossing Mall. We were at the Mall until 1200. Nancy bought several items at Yonkers. I did not purchase anything.

I had a quick lunch, read the newspaper and then headed upstairs. I took a long nap. This evening Nancy and I are going to Russ' for a quick meal. 2140: Nancy and I both had a bowl of soup and double meat hamburger. When we got home I looked in the frig and saw that we had about 5 bottles of half empty wine bottles. The wine was left over from last night's party. I had several glasses as did Nancy. We watched the movie "Prairie Home Companion" on TV and at 2000 we switched to the Olympics.

I just took Ms P out to do her bidness. It was raining. I hope it does not freeze overnight. I got my 30 in today.

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