Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday February 22, 2010

1539: I got up at 0630 to find that we had about 7" of wet snow. Nancy and I got dressed and started shoveling. We were done by 0800. After my morning routine and breakfast, I stepped outside and found an additional 2" of snow on the ground. So I shoveled again. Ms P played while I shoveled. She likes deep snow.

I did not get to the MAC until 1015. I left at 1140 and headed to the Kava House. Normally a snow day has me uptight because I want to get done at my regular time. Today I said why am I in a hurry, so I just took my time. I got home from the Kava House at 1300 and had a quick lunch. Then I put on my coat and started shoveling again. The plows had come through so I had to clean the drive. I also shoveled the walk. Right now I am getting ready to continue my work creating a family tree. I am also sorting and filing old photos. I am also throwing away a lot of photos. Dad always made 6 copies of the same photo.

I got a call about 1630 saying our lamp had been repaired so I got Ms P and we headed for the Lightning Center. This afternoon Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens.

2050: The family tree software seems to work fine. I have found the birthdates for all my grandparents and most of the great grandparents. I will be glad when I get all the family information into the data base.

This evening Nancy and I had cereal for dinner. After last night's heavy dinner my stomach needed a break. We watched the news and part of the Olympics before heading upstairs. All this snow shoveling is hard work.

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