Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday February 15, 2010

2020: Ms P got me up at 0500. I was going to just sleep another 15 minutes but I finally got up at 0700. I performed my normal routine at 50% with no problems. I drove to the MAC and was surprised that I got the last parking space. It appears that a lot of folks had President's Day off. The MAC was busy.

I used my Kava House Gift Certificate to purchase coffee this morning. I thought I would read both the DFP and WSJ today. However, the WSJ was not published today. No stock market no WSJ? When I got home I took Ms P on a short walk. We are working on walking around the block. I hope we can have this done in about a week.

Our health insurance said we must use Catalyst Rx for our drugs. I thought this was a mail order pharmacy. Instead it is a clearing house. We cannot use Rite Aid (ok) but we can use Costco. I was glad to hear that I do not have to use a mail order house. Costco provides great service.

My Sister called and we cleared up a tax matter dealing with Cousin Peg's estate. I also downloaded a 1099 form from Wells Fargo. I am going to start using an electric mattress pad instead of an electric blanket. We have one so I got it placed on our bed.

My big project this afternoon was to bring all the family files upstairs to my office from the basement. I have a lot of family photos that my dad took. I will try scanning them in to a pdf file. I bet I have over 1000 photos. Everything from my Grandfather's lumber camp in MN to my grandmothers high school graduation picture, AHS 00. I was so happy with what I accomplished this afternoon that I capped it off with a 3 mile walk.

I forgot to mention that during our visit to OH we saw a large flock of Robins, 20+. Were they lost? Or is it global warming? Anyway it was very cold and OH had just received over 10" of snow. I have never seen Robins this early.

2145: I spent the last hour watching the games. I really like the snowboarding race.

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