Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday February 24, 2010

1500: The alarm goes off at 0535 and Ms P and I head out so she can do her bidness. I hustle to get downtown to attend Breakfast Club. This is Black History month so today's speaker was from the Urban League. He gave a good talk on what the Urban League is doing in the GR area.

After the meeting I stopped by the Kava House. The DFP today was dedicated to the problems of Toyota and the University of Michigan. I think the football coach should be fired. When I got home I shoveled about 0.25 inches of snow from the drive and walk. At 1200 I headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. I swam the distance in 28'50". This is a good time for me. When I swim I alternate strokes. The first lap is the breast stroke and the second is the crawl, etc.

After the swim I stopped by JC Penny to look over their selection of khaki pants. I also checked Eddie Bauer. I bought nothing. Nancy is working this afternoon at Meijer's Garden. I am trying to delete some games for the computer and I still can't find Google Earth.

2125: This afternoon I put the Sanborn/Roberts family into the family data base. The Sanborn family is from Wales and the Roberts are from England. A member of the Roberts family was in George Washington's Army. His name was Daniel Hibbard Roberts. The "History of the Roberts Family" said that Daniel Roberts was 6'6" tall. The tall genes apparently died with Dan.

After all the family work, Ms P and I went outside and shoveled the walk and drive. This evening we watched the evening news and then the Olympics. About 2000 I took Ms P out and again I shoveled the walk. I did get my 30 in today.

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