Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday February 20, 2010

2018: I set the alarm for 0636 but Nancy gets up before it goes off. Ms P who has not had to go out after 2100 the last couple of nights informed me in no uncertain terms that it was time to go outside. She did her bidness in record time. Nancy is on her way to the MAC by 0655. I take my time but leave the house about 0730. I am walking downtown to attend the Boat Show that starts at 1000. On my walk I stop at the coffee shop located at Fulton and Arthur. Every Saturday Rick DeVries has coffee at this location. I stop and talk to Rick for a few minutes. I arrive at the Deli in the Amway about 0855. I get the world's biggest apple fritter and coffee. I get out the Kindle and read the DFP and WSJ. It looks like the ex mayor of Detroit might go back to jail. Stay tuned!

At 1000 I walk over to the Boat Show. I did not think the show was very big and was not very well attended. It might be because a fishing boat costs over $25,000. Boating is expensive. I really think the boating industry is hurting because of the loss of jobs in the auto industry. In good times UAW workers could make with over time around $80,000. The workers were good for the economy because they spent every penny.

It was chilly on my walk downtown. But when I left the show the sun was out and it was approaching 40. I had to remove my gloves and hat. We are hosting the OHNA TGIF next Friday so Nancy and I had to polish the brass table and stool. It was hard work but the table and stool really shine. I took a short nap after all this work.

This evening Nancy and I loaded Ms P in the Taurus and headed to Holland. We had dinner at the 8th Street Grill. We both had soup and a 1/2 sandwich. It was very good. The cost was reasonable because we had a senior credit card, a coupon. As soon as I post this blog I will join Nancy downstairs and watch the Olympics. I got my 30 in today did you?

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